Backtrack to Suvarnabhumi Intl. Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok
Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok

There was absolutely no evidence that Suvarnabhumi Airport was occupied by over 5,000 protesters just a week ago.  It was business as usual with plenty of western tourists filtering through … including many Americans.

The airport still looks brand spankin’ new (only 2 years old) and in my opinion, the architecture is the boldest and most impressive of all the airports that I have visited.  The walls of the terminals are all glass that appear to be connected by only metal rods bolted to the glass.  The outside braces are circular twisted metal that resembles the tracks of a roller coaster.  I apologize for not having more photos, as we were still exhausted at this point, but I hope to share more photos of Suvarnabhumi when we go through Bangkok next month.  For now, I hope you enjoy the photo above that was taken from the food court of the domestic terminal overlooking a garden and the domestic check-in building.

In the news:

Today, Abhisit Vejjajiva, the 3rd prime minister of the year was elected and this new guy has no ties to Thaksin Shinawatra (the guy who was ousted by a coup in 2006), so this should make things interesting in the coming months…

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