Bus from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

There are a few ways to get to Cesky Krumlov from Prague, but perhaps the easiest and most direct is by bus.  The Student Agency seems to be the most popular option and the prices are good too at 160 CZK/person (USD $7.56).  This was our first option from all the great reviews about the company but just our luck, the bus was completely full for our day of travel!  You can either book tickets online at:  www.studentagency.eu or at their office which is located just outside the Florenc metro station in Prague.  We also tried their office at Florenc, but still no luck.  Fortunately, there are other bus companies that service the route from Prague to Cesky Krumlov.  In fact, the counters right next to the Student Agency had seats available on their buses for 195 Kc/person, but they only had one bus leaving on the day we wanted and it was at 8:30am.  We didn’t have a choice so we booked with them.  Also there is an information booth in the middle of the bus station and I highly recommend that you ask them questions first as they know all the bus times and companies that service the Florenc station, as well as other stations.

The lady at the counter of the Czech company we chose was not very friendly… Actually very rude, but we had read to expect this!  Though she might also have had a good reason (read about the Mango Tree) so we didn’t complain!

Note: We boarded at Florenc Station, but there are other bus stations so make sure you ask where your bus will depart.

The next day as we prepared to leave,  the bus was completely full, but I guess this was also a form of commuter bus that sold standing tickets as well.  So off we went with a full bus and also the aisle filled with passengers.  It was 1.5 hours before our first stop and many of the standing passengers left and we felt relieved for them and for the extra breathing room.  However, moments later the bus stopped again and more standing passengers boarded.  This happened a few times before we arrived at the Cesky Krumlov bus station, which took 3.5 hours from Prague.

We arrived on a wet and cold May afternoon and almost everyone did not know which way to go!  At the station there is a map, but it really doesn’t point you in the right direction!  So we highly recommend that you have a map beforehand so you know which way to walk towards the town or your accommodation!

The bus ride itself was fine and it was clean, but there was no type of air conditioning working so all of the windows were fogged up.  Also, we didn’t like the overcrowded feel the entire ride.  If there are no other options then this bus will do, but if you know where and when you are going in advance I recommend that you consider booking with the Student Agency as I have heard that they are even implementing Wi-Fi!  Remember to book early as their buses to tend to fill up!

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