Bike ride through Yangshuo, China

After our bamboo raft ride we got back on our bikes and followed a map to find Moon Hill.  As we started hiking up the hill we could feel that our legs were already tired from the bike ride, but we wanted to reach the top.  We thought the path would only take us to a view of the crescent shaped opening in the hill, but it actually took us all the way to the crescent.  It was also a wonderful view of the area form the top!

Here’s the view from the parking lot below:

Moon Hiil, Yangshuo
Moon Hiil, Yangshuo
George looking up to Moon Hill
George looking up to Moon Hill
View from Moon Hill, Yangshuo
View from Moon Hill, Yangshuo
Heidi at the top of Moon Hill, Yangshuo
Heidi at the top of Moon Hill, Yangshuo
George and Heidi at the top of Moon Hill
George and Heidi at the top of Moon Hill
Walk back down from Moon Hill
Walk back down from Moon Hill

After our little hike we headed back towards our hotel.  We stopped along the way to buy some of the most delicious strawberries we have eaten.  We smelled them riding by the first time, but had already passed the road side stand, so we decided to buy them on the way back.  Vine ripened strawberries are so much better than the ones you can buy from the grocery store!

Heidi bicycling in Yangshuo
Heidi bicycling in Yangshuo

These photos were taken once we got closer to our hotel.  The country side in Yangshuo is so beautiful!  This is the rural China I had pictured before our visit.  It was so nice to finally get out of the huge cities and see the farm land areas.

George bicycling in Yangshuo
George bicycling in Yangshuo

The lime stone karsts jutting up everywhere reminded me of Halong Bay in Vietnam, but instead of being in the water these mini-mountains are scattered all over the land.

Country side, Yangshuo
Country side, Yangshuo

The bike-ride back to our hotel, taking in the scenery and seeing the locals on their evening walks, turned out to be one of the highlights of our visit!