Our guidebook said there was not much to do in Jakarta, but it did mention Dunia Fantasi as “Indonesia’s Disneyland.” I would not say it compares to Disneyland, maybe more like a Six Flags, but it was a fun way to spend a day! The tickets were super cheap, about US $7/person, and surprisingly, the food inside the park was also very inexpensive! We took a Blue Bird taxi to the amusement park, and although it was about an hour ride, it did not cost much at all (about USD $6).
We had a brochure about Ancol Dreamland (pronounced “Anchol”) that listed Dunia Fantasi as one of the attractions, along with a board walk, sea world, and a few others. But when we arrived at the gate to enter the Ancol area and tried to explain to the guards where we wanted to go, they were clueless. They did not even have a map of the area. I had wanted to check out some of the other attractions before heading to the amusement park (Dunia Fantasi), but the taxi driver was having such a hard time, and after driving around in circles and seeing how huge the area was, we figured we had better just get dropped at Dunia Fantasi. Here is a map of Ancol Dreamland that I found after our visit, showing Dunia Fantasi (on the left), the Gondola, Sea World, and more. You can click on the map and then zoom in to see a larger version.
Map of Ancol showing Dunia Fantasi
It's a small world ride at Dunia Fantasi, Indonesia
Instead of Mickey and Mini, here it is all about this Proboscis monkey pair!
Heidi at Dunia Fantasi, Jakarta, Indonesia
Even though there were a bunch of schools there on field trips, Dunia Fantasi was still pretty deserted, and we only had to wait in line for a couple of the rides. It was super hot, so we headed for a ride that gives you a nice little splash, and a couple minutes of relief.
Water Ride at Dunia Fantasi, Jakarta, Indonesia
Later, we found a bigger raft ride, with much more water. You sit in a big round raft with a bunch of people and go down a water slide type ride (like Roaring Rapids at Six Flags). The first time we rode it we got buckets full of water dumped on our laps! It was a good way to cool down, so we walked through the empty line and got right back on again. This time our raft was lighter, with fewer people, and we did not get nearly as soaked as the first time. Afterward, our shoes, socks, and pants were completely drenched. We took off our socks and shoes and set them in the sun to try to dry them a bit, but eventually just put them back on all squishy, and figured we would dry as we walked around. By closing time that evening I was almost completely dry.
George running in a bubble
George has been wanting to go running in one of these bubbles in the water for a long time, and he finally got to! It cost a little bit extra (about US $1.50), but was worth it! CLICK HERE for video of g running in a bubble
Ride at Dunia Fantasi, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ferris wheel and bumper boats
We also rode on the Ferris wheel and got a view of the area. From there we could see that there is a gondola that can take you across part of Ancol Dreamland, but we never ventured outside the amusement park, so we did not get a chance to ride it. We also went on the bumper boats, but no one else was riding them at the time, so there was no one to run into. The bumper cars, on the other hand, always had a long line, and plenty of people to ram into. Some of those head on collisions hurt!
We stayed until it got dark and the park closed around 8pm. We went out front and tried to find a Blue Bird taxi, but none of the taxis in the long queue outside were Blue Birds, so we finally asked a guard where we could use a phone to call a taxi and he called one for us. We had to wait about 20 minutes, but at least we felt we would be able to trust the driver.
Here is a link to the Ancol Dreamland website, which is not in English (www.ancol.com), but you still might want to check it out.
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